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Holistic Journey - Spirit and Soul

Simple Tips to Help you Meditate

1. PREPARE. Set the scene before you begin and help your body and mind to know what it is going to do. You can do this in a number of ways, from burning incense and candles to wearing specific clothes. As human beings our senses are very important to us. Focus on some of your senses and 'tell' them that you are about to meditate.

Use incense or a fragranced candle for your sense of smell, specific music for your sense of hearing & a candle, a picture or an object for your sense of sight. (it is important not to use the same music you use in meditation to listen to whilst driving or doing any other activity where you need to be fully focused)

Sometimes wearing a specific item of clothing, or sitting on a particular chair or cushion can help. By telling your body and mind what is happening you give yourself a 'head start', helping you to enter a state of deep relaxation and meditation more easily.

2. FOCUS. Having a point of focus can help you to meditate more easily by re-focusing the wandering mind. Many people find looking at a candle flame or a picture can help. If you choose to use a picture make sure it is fairly neutral in terms of the emotions it evokes for you (the same goes for any music you choose). Simple, natural pictures tend to work best such as a waterfall, a flower, the sea, a sunset.

Some people use symbols or icons to help them focus during meditation. You do not have to be a Buddhist to focus on a statue of Buddha and you don’t have to be a Christian to focus on a cross. Whatever resonates with you, whatever evokes a feeling of deep peace in you.

Some people find using mantras helpful, with one of the most popular being OM. Try different points of focus until you feel that something really works for you.

3. ACKNOWLEDGE. Whether you are an absolute beginner or have been meditating for many years you will need to deal with your 'wandering mind'. This is where most people 'give up'.How is it possible to stop that constant chattering of your thoughts?

First of all acknowledge that you will have lots of random thoughts during your meditation practice. This is totally normal, so don’t give up. At first your mind will see this quiet time as a fantastic opportunity to have a good old rummage through your thoughts, feelings, plans and experiences. And like a small child it will not rest until it is listened to. So when a thought comes in gently acknowledge it and then let it go.

You can visualise the thought floating away on a cloud if this helps. By acknowledging our thoughts, we are saying thank you to them. Don’t fight your thoughts just thank them and watch them drift away.

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