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Holistic Journey - Spirit and Soul

An Introduction to Chakras

We have seven major chakras in our body. They can be described as spinning 'wheels' or 'plates' of energy. These seven major chakras lie along the centre line of the body from the base of the spine upwards and are also known as base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras (1st to 7th chakras).

The three lower chakras are linked to our instinctual nature and the three higher chakras relate to our higher state of consciousness. It is the heart chakra that is the balance between these two areas of focus.

The 1st chakra (base) is located at the perineum, between the anus and genitals. This chakra is our basic survival centre, concerned with the earthly matters of procreation and other basic instincts. It influences the reproductive organs, the legs, the blood, the spine and the nervous system. The colour associated with this chakra is red.

The 2nd chakra (sacral) is more concerned with pleasure than survival. Our sensual experiences of food, drink and sexuality are focused here. This chakra influences the female reproductive organs, the skin, the mammary glands, kidney & adrenal glands.The element water and the colour orange are related to this chakra.

The 3rd chakra (solar plexus) is also known as 'the jewel in the navel'. It is at the centre of digestion and influences the digestive organs, liver, pancreas and the endocrine glands. The solar plexus is linked to the element of fire, the sense of sight and the colour yellow.

The 4th chakra (heart) is the area of balance in our bodies. This chakra is linked to the element air and the colour green. It influences the immune system including the thymus gland and the respiratory and circulatory systems including the heart and lungs. This chakra connects to the mental layer of our aura and links to our incoming and outgoing thoughts. It is the point of balance between the lower and higher chakras.

The 5th chakra (throat) is found at the first cervical vertebrae at the top of the neck. It is connected to our sense of hearing, the colour blue and the element ether.It is linked to shoulders, throat, thyroid gland and parathyroids. On a physical level it allows verbal communication but if we allow this chakra to become fully awakened it can also open us to channel information and communicate telepathically. The throat chakra is also the area that is linked to our own creative purpose.

The 6th chakra (brow) is also known as the 'third eye' and is the link between our ego and our higher self. It is linked to the element ether and the colour indigo and relates to the brain, nose, eyes, ears, nervous system and the pituitary gland.

The 7th chakra (crown) vibrates on a very different level to the other chakras as it belongs to pure divine consciousness. It links to the colour violet and to the brain, the pineal gland and the nervous system. Meditation can be the key to opening this chakra.

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